Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Night Out

Last night, we went to our friend's annual Christmas party.

Cristina is a wonderful party host! As we walked in, there were "rules" clearly posted explaining where our coats go, smoking areas and restroom locations.

She and her husband Bill (the guy who took control of our kitchen during Bryaden's birthday party if you were here for that) go ALL OUT. They had 3 large baskets full of door prizes and game gifts, raffle tickets, and even a 50/50 to benefit their friends who are recovering from a severe auto accident. We played a ton of games, and had a ton of food. I made buffalo chicken dip served with club crackers, wheat thins and celery. I also brought our fondue pot and make a chocolate fondue served with oreo's, marshmellows, pretzels and clementines.

It was SO nice to get out with friends, and have adult conversations!

More door prize ticket pulling

Bryan had some drinks.
And some more. lol

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Please Tell Me

that this is normal "BOY" behavior/play.

Yes, that's Barbie. With a empty roll of tape around her mouth, craft pipe cleaners around her arms and waist, scotch tape around her legs, and more pipe cleaners bounding her ankles!

Not that I even LIKE Barbie. In fact, I wouldn't even have Barbie's in my house, but this isn't an ordinary Barbie. She's a scuba/snorkel Barbie. The kids ADORE her. Is it because they LOVE snorkel/scuba stuff and she comes with the cool flippers, tank and snorkel accessories? Or do they adore her because of her ability to magically change from swimsuit to bikini when she's submerged in water? I don't know. But I do know this is a bit disturbing in a freaky serial killer S&M way.

I'll keep you posted on our Barbie Bondage situation.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hockey Travels

We had our first away hockey game this past weekend. In Erie, Pa. During Winter. Enough said. Ugghh. The drive up wasn't too bad. We had a dusting of snow here at home when we left. As we got about 1/2 way there, near Grove City, there was snow on the ground. Then suddenly, BAM! About 18 inches or so. The roads weren't great when we arrived, but not bad either.

This picture doesn't even come close to showing how much snow there was, but you can see the snow pile in front of the parked cars- and the bushed by this mail box are BUSHES, not ground cover.

The boys were excited to take a bath in the hotel (we only have a shower stall at home)

Some of our team came to the Otter's game. Most of our team didn't come the day before, and some weren't able to the games on Sunday because of the bad road conditions. But, we had enough players- besides, we had the goalie!
That's Bryan, and yes, those are hockey puck ear muffs, and no, he wasn't drinking.

It was "donate a bear" Salvation Army night. They collected over 1,000 bears!

The Patton boys
They lost both games. We didn't find out until we were there that the team we played was the hand-picked "all-star" team! They travel to Canada and other cities in the US to compete. Doh! Poor Brayden was upset because he felt all the pressure as the goalie. He did wonderful though! He blocked a TON of great shots. Bryan got some video footage, so hopefully you'll see some clips soon. Rylan did great too, getting the puck several times and shooting it out of their zone.

The drive home was rough in parts. We got in the path of a snowstorm and had to drive about 20mph part of the way, but got home safely last night.

Oh, and a side note:
PLEASE reconcider your decision to bring a COW BELL to sporting events. The ringing does nothing to help your team win. Its just plain irritating and makes people want to shove it down your throat....or somewhere else. Thanks.

Monday, December 1, 2008

There's been a lot happening

So I haven't updated as much lately. Short version:

My aunt Sue had a hip replacement, she's doing pretty well, and while she has some down-time I get to see her more ;)

My uncle is in the IUC, and I am very worried about him.

My mom is now in the hopsital as well, awaiting more tests.

Me, Bryan and the kids are well. Got back into the swing of school today. Bryan finished some pannleing in our bedroom, and painted as well.

Good Thanksgiving. Nice and relaxed. I did have a nicey nice post including a Thankful list, but after this weekend, it sort of went out the window. Kinda late now anyway.

Brayden begins Goalie Clinic tomorow. I hope he likes it, I'll be at work so Bryan will be taking him.

We have plans to go to Erie this weekend for the boy's hockey games. I'm hesitant making final plans until I see how my hospital bound relatives are doing.

That's about it. :)