Saturday, May 30, 2009

Its farmers market season!

I LOVE growing season. Especially Farmer Paul Sarver's bounty. He has a wonder local organic farm. His produce is superb. His lettuce is Brayden's favorite food. :) Brayden and I left the house early this morning and headed to the farmers market. We bought spinach, two heads of lettuce and basil plants. Yes, I know basil is easy to grow. However, I began my herb garden seeds too early this year and it failed. I had lovely sprouts, but they were too long and fragile. Tomorrow we'll replant them into a large container on the back deck. After the market, Brayden rollerbladed and I jogged along with him around both tracks. We had a great morning together.

My helper for washing and storing, Rylan
He helped to wash the lettuce and spinach
And spin the excess water out

I was happy to use my new salad spinner I bought over the winter. Its XOXO brand, I love it!

Our final product of clean, stored spinach and lettuce!
I like to use the green produce bags...yes, they do work.

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