Monday, April 6, 2009


Over the years, I've had people ask me if Bray and Rylan are twins. The do resemble each other, but honestly they are virtually inseparable. They always want to be together. Even though sometimes I think they would benefit from a break from one another every now and then, they strongly disagree.

Yesterday, they were playing at a a park and Rylan had to come home (long story, but Ry didn't follow safety rules so he had to come home). Brayden was devastated as was Rylan. They both cried, clung to each other and pleaded to stay together. Brayden offered to come home with Rylan since Rylan wasn't permitted to stay and play. Rylan cried for a couple of hours, played a little, then held his post by the driveway, waiting for Bray. It was both heartwarming and pathetic at the same time.

Neena is a great protector- she watches out for the kids

Getting darker

I want Brayden

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