Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We have chrysalis!

Here are the caterpillars hanging. They hang in a "J", shed their skin for the last time, then form the chrystalis. Of course, each time they have done this, we are not home!

View from the top of the cage


So, now our count is 3 chrystalis, 4 larvae (2 are in their 4th instar, about to pupate), and 2 are small. At LEAST 3 more eggs. There's a few leaves I have in petri dishes that I'm not 100% sure are monarch eggs, but I am certain about 3.

I have those paperwork post-it flags stuck next to each pupa with the date they formed written on them. This way, I can get a better idea of when the butterflies will emerge. I hope we get to see at least one.

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